I have regularly read your oldies site—It is excellent.
I arrived at Chilton in 1971—Great days—Seem very distant now.
I will check and see what I can find photo-wise from those days next time I am down at my fathers house in Wiltshire. Currently I am living in Scotland—near Aberdeen—Working in Oil Industry in Copenhagen.
Surprised no mention of ‘The Screaming Skull’ of Theopholus Broome!! Thats a legend!
Again—Great Site!! Keep-up the good work.
Kevin J Manning, 15th May, 2012.
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your surprise email and very kind compliment. I hope that you manage to find those old Chilton Cantelo School photos when you are next at your fathers home as I could do with more photos of the 70s’
There is a story about the ‘Screaming Skull of Theopholus Broome at Lower Farm, Chilton Cantelo’ in the Thoroughfare Magazine 1980 on this site.
Going back now over fifty years I remember being invited to “Lower Farm” next door to the school, when I was a new boy, by Mrs Kerton and being shown the skull. I wonder if she showed the skull to every new boy or perhaps we were just lucky to receive the invitation.
Relations were good with the farm next door and it was good to see a very popular Nobby Kerton at the 2010 reunion with his wife. However I remember as a young lad being challenged by Nobby in one of the (probably his) fields. He enquired if I was the lad who had been setting snares and complaining that the wires had been getting caught up in his plough. I ,of course, denied it.
I might add that I have mellowed in my ways with age and would never do such a thing nowadays.
Once again thank you for your email and I hope to see you at the reunion in August 2012.
Sincerely, Clive 🙂